Ingredients of successful play
Level: All levels
Class style: Lecture and demo
What makes some play experiences better than others? Answering this question can help you make your play more rewarding for you and your play partners.
In this class we explore the components of successful play sessions, pitfalls to avoid, as well as some techniques that would increase chances of success.
Topics include
Anatomy of a play session.
Pre-play discussion: the checklist and beyond.
Elements that must be present for successful play.
Play pitfalls to be avoided.
Shaping your play session based on your play partner.
Affecting the play session’s mood.
Choosing the right communication style
Aftercare: it's never an afterthought.
When pre-play discussion fails.
Recovering from a bad experience.
The afterglow: debriefing a play session.
Planning your next play session.